Domestic Electrical Services

Power upgrades 

Switchboard Design and installation

Thermal scanning of switchboards and electrical circuits

Thermal imaging works by identifying the transfer of infrared heat radiation from an object via an infrared sensitive camera and highlighting temperature differences. This type of inspection is utilized more and more by consulting engineers, asset managers and insurance companies. A full report detailing colour digital photos of test object as well as an infrared image showing thermal activity.

A simple test minimizes plant downtime and locates potential electrical faults or fires.

This procedure in most cases can be carried out without interrupting your power supply and production.


Thermal heat scan locates potential fire hazard

Installation of under ground conduits and services

Installation of underfloor heating

Testing and Tagging of all electrical equipment

This testing procedure is carried out using an approved testing unit, which electrically checks for insulation breakdown, faulty wiring and earth leakage. After which a relevant industry standard
tag is fitted to appliance or lead indicating its compliance.  Failed equipment is either repaired or replaced.
Installation of voice & data wiring including fibre optic cables

Installation and connection of TV cabling and antennas

Design and installation of security systems

D J Staniforth considers your safety and security is of the upmost importance.  We can offer you peace of mind and the security you require by designing and installing a system to best suit your needs.

Installation of energy management systems saving up to 35%

Power save energy management system is an intelligent microprocessor controlled energy saving device called ‘Fluoresave’, it is utilized on fluorescent, metal halide and mercury vapour type lighting circuits. The unit works by suppling mains voltage for start-up of lights then after a short time period, fluorosave switches to a lower energy saving voltage. This system can provide between 25% to 35% saving depending on usage. Please call us to arrange an obligation free consultation.
Data Logging

This service is offered for the purpose of power management, electricity audit and power factor monitoring in order to utilize electricity more efficiently and potentially save running costs. Also to monitor electrical supply for power spikes which can be very detrimental to electronic devices. Load testing of mains supply to ascertain current demand, to investigate remaining load available in situations where future higher load demands maybe required. Data logging can be carried out for any length of time from a few minutes to multiple weeks depending on your application. As part of the service a comprehensive report of findings and recommendation is also available.